Course curriculum

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    • Navigating the course

    • Introducing dnalife

    • Why DNA Smile

    • Required reading: Understanding the relationship between oral and systemic health

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    Support material

    • DNA Smile sample report

    • DNA Smile plus mercury toxicity report

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    Introducing the science

    • Introduction to Genetics

    • Test your knowledge: Introduction to Genetics

    • Bonus material (optional): Learn Genetics

    • Bonus material (optional): What is Precision Medicine?

    • Bonus material: Optional Reading

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    Overview of the DNA Smile report

    • Overview of the DNA Smile report

    • Test your knowledge: What, when and why DNA Smile?

    • Optional reading material: importance of oral health

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    Innate and acquired immunity

    • Immunity, inflammation and periodontal health

    • Innate immunity, genetics and periodontal health

    • Inflammation and acquired immunity, genetics and periodontal health

    • Test your knowledge: Innate and acquired immunity

    • Optional reading material: Immunity and periodontal health

    • Optional reading material: Innate immunity and related SNPs

    • Optional reading material: Inflammation, acquired immunity, and related SNPs

    • Optional reading material: Nutrition and complimentary therapies in periodontal health

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    The sweet tooth

    • Sweet food intake, genetics and tooth caries

    • Test your knowledge: Sweet tooth

    • Optional reading material

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    Mercury toxicity

    • Lipid metabolism, APOE and heavy metal exposure

    • Detoxification, genetics and heavy metal exposure

    • Test your knowledge: Mercury toxicity

    • Optional reading material: APOE, periodontal health and amalgam fillings

    • Optional reading material: Detoxification and mercury exposure

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    Practical application

    • Case study 1

    • Case study 2