Course curriculum

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    Module 1: Understanding the science

    • An introduction to the science and nutritional genomics

    • QUIZ: Introduction to Genetics

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    Module 2: Lipid metabolism and Detoxification

    • Lipid metabolism and relevant genes in pregnancy

    • Lipid metabolism support - Nutrition, nutrients, lifestyle

    • Scientific reading (optional): Lipid metabolism and the gestational time period

    • Scientific reading (optional): Lipid metabolism associated genes and impact on gestational health and placental pathologies

    • QUIZ: Lipid Metabolism

    • Detoxification - phase I: pregnancy and genes

    • Detoxification - phase II: pregnancy and genes

    • Detoxification support: Nutrition, nutrients, lifestyle

    • Scientific reading (optional): Detoxification and the gestational time period

    • Scientific reading (optional): Phase I detoxification associated genes and placental pathologies

    • Scientific reading (optional): Phase II detoxification associated genes and placental pathologies

    • QUIZ: Detoxification

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    Module 3: Methylation and stress dysregulation

    • Methylation and relevant genes in the gestational time period

    • Methylation support: Nutrition, nutrients, lifestyle

    • Scientific reading (optional): Methylation and the gestational time period

    • Scientific reading (optional): Methylation associated SNPs and maternal and fetal health outcomes

    • QUIZ: Methylation

    • MAOA and stress dysregulation

    • MAOA support: Nutrition, nutrients, lifestyle

    • BDNF and stress dysregulation

    • BDNF support: Nutrition, nutrients, lifestyle

    • Scientific reading (optional): MAOA and BDNF associated SNPs and maternal and fetal health outcomes

    • QUIZ: MAOA and BDNF

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    Module 4: Inflammation, vitamin D and progesterone

    • Inflammation and pregnancy

    • Inflammation: Nutrition, nutrients, environment

    • Scientific reading (optional): Inflammation and IL-6

    • QUIZ: Inflammation

    • Vitamin D and pregnancy

    • Vitamin D: Nutrition, nutrients, environment

    • Scientific reading (optional): Vitamin D and pregnancy

    • Scientific reading (optional): Vitamin D SNPs and pregnancy

    • QUIZ: Vitamin D

    • Progesterone and pregnancy

    • Progesterone: Nutrition, nutrients, environment

    • Scientific reading (optional): Progesterone

    • QUIZ: Progesterone metabolism

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    Module 5: Melatonin and insulin

    • Melatonin in pregnancy

    • Melatonin support: nutrition, nutrients, lifestyle

    • Scientific reading (optional): Melatonin' role in pregnancy and relevant SNPs

    • QUIZ: Melatonin

    • Insulin and pregnancy

    • Scientific reading (optional): Insulin and important SNPs in pregnancy

    • QUIZ: Insulin and pregnancy

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    Practical application

    • GrowBaby report overview: how to

    • GrowBaby Case study by Dr Lesley Stone, and Emily Rydbom