Course curriculum

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    • Welcome!

    • The value of genetics in personalised healthcare

    • Navigate the course

    • Supporting documents - SNP Guide

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    Basics of Genetics

    • Introduction to Genetics

    • QUIZ: Introduction to Genetics

    • Bonus: Learn Genetics

    • Bonus: What is Precision Medicine?

    • Bonus: Basic Genetics

    • Bonus: Optional Reading

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    DNA Oestrogen

    • Overview of DNA Oestrogen

    • DNA Oestrogen Sample Report

    • How to read the DNA Oestrogen report

    • DNA Oestrogen Metabolism

    • QUIZ: DNA Oestrogen

    • Bonus: DNA Oestrogen Scientific Articles

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    Case Study and Practical Application

    • DNA Oestrogen case study

    • DNA Oestrogen additional Q&A Recording