Course curriculum

  • 1


    • Welcome!

    • Navigate the course

    • Supporting documents - SNP Guide

    • Schedule of Live Lessons for October 2022 Cohort

  • 2

    Basics of Genetics

    • Introduction to Genetics

    • QUIZ: Introduction to Genetics

    • Bonus: Learn Genetics

    • Bonus: What is Precision Medicine?

    • Bonus: Basic Genetics

    • Bonus: Optional Reading

  • 3

    DNA Health

    • Overview of DNA Health

    • DNA Health Sample Report

    • How to read the DNA Health report

    • Lipid Metabolism

    • Methylation

    • Inflammation

    • Oxidative Stress

    • Detoxification

    • Insulin Sensitivity

    • Bone Health

    • Food Responsiveness

    • Vitamin Metabolism

    • QUIZ: DNA Health

    • Bonus: Lipid Metabolism Scientific Articles

    • Bonus: Methylation Scientific Articles

    • Bonus: Inflammation Scientific Articles

    • Bonus: Oxidative Stress Scientific Articles

    • Bonus: Detoxification Scientific Articles

    • Bonus: Insulin Sensitivity Scientific Articles

    • Bonus: Bone Health Scientific Articles

    • Bonus: Food Responsiveness Scientific Articles

    • Bonus: Vitamin Metabolism Scientific Articles

    • Live Zoom Slides

    • Recording of live lesson 12 October 2022. Genetics Recap and DNA Health

  • 4

    DNA Diet

    • Overview of DNA Diet

    • DNA Diet Sample Report

    • How to read the DNA Diet report

    • DNA Diet Practical Approach - Part 1

    • DNA Diet Practical Approach - Part 2

    • QUIZ: DNA Diet

    • Bonus: DNA Diet Scientific Articles

    • Live Zoom Slides

    • Recording of live lesson 15 October 2022. DNA Diet

  • 5

    DNA Sport

    • Overview of DNA Sport

    • DNA Sport Sample Report

    • QUIZ: DNA Sport

    • Bonus: DNA Sport Injury and Recovery Scientific Articles

    • Bonus: DNA Sport Performance Scientific Articles

    • Live Zoom Slides

    • Recording of live lesson 15 October 2022. DNA Sport

  • 6

    DNA Mind

    • DNA Mind Part 1, Neurodegenerative Disorders

    • DNA Mind Part 2, Mood Regulation

    • DNA Mind Part 3, Addictive Behaviour

    • DNA Mind Sample Report

    • QUIZ: DNA Mind

    • Bonus: DNA Mind Scientific Articles

    • Bonus: Stress, Anxiety and Resilience

    • Bonus: Basic Neuroscience

    • Bonus: Basic Neuroscience

    • Live Zoom Slides

    • Recording of live lesson 19 October 2022. DNA Mind

  • 7


    • Intro to Pharmacogenomics

    • Medcheck Sample Report

    • Reading: Chang 2015. Pharmacogenetics: Using Genetic Information to Guide Drug Therapy.

    • Reading: CPIC Guideline for Codeine and CYP2D6

    • Medications covered in Medcheck test

    • Medcheck: Quiz

    • Bonus: Medcheck Scientific Articles

    • Bonus: Medcheck Gene Monographs

    • Bonus: Pharmacogenomics Online Resources

    • Live Zoom Slides

    • Recording of live lesson 22 October 2022. Medcheck

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    DNA Oestrogen

    • Overview of DNA Oestrogen

    • DNA Oestrogen Sample Report

    • How to read the DNA Oestrogen report

    • DNA Oestrogen Metabolism

    • QUIZ: DNA Oestrogen

    • Bonus: DNA Oestrogen Scientific Articles

    • Updated Live Zoom Slides

    • Recording of live lesson 26 October 2022. DNA Oestrogen

    • Oestrogen Q&A Recording

  • 9

    Zoom Lesson Recap of DNA tests and Q&A

    • Recap and overview of tests - what, when and why

    • Recording of live lesson 2 November 2022. Recap and Q&A

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    Bonus: DNA Skin

    • DNA Skin Sample Report

    • DNA Skin Overview

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    Bonus: GrowBaby

    • GrowBaby Sample Report

    • Who are Leslie and Michael Stone?

    • How and when can the GrowBaby test be used?

    • Who should consider using the GrowBaby test?

    • What medical conditions are applicable?

    • GrowBaby Report Overview

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    Bonus: DNA Smile

    • DNA Smile Sample Report

    • DNA Smile Overview

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    Bonus: DNA Resilience

    • DNA Resilience Sample Report

    • DNA Resilience Overview

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    Supporting documents

    • SNPs per Nutrigenetic tests

  • 15

    Final reminders

    • Helpful notices